Michelle is an emerging documentary filmmaker committed to social equality and fair representation of marginalized populations. She has an MA in Social Documentation from UC Santa Cruz and has produced numerous non-fiction multimedia projects in cultures and communities across the world. She makes films with the intention of connecting people, alleviating ethnocentrism, and providing visual and narrative evidence to help people learn about the world in which we live, consequently sparking a reaction, probing questions, and exploring the idea of social change. Learn more about Michelle and her work at Small Pumpkin Productions.
- Miriam Greenberg, Director
- Eric Porter, Advisor
- Kristin Miller, Web Editor
- Julie Rogge, Web Designer
- Michelle Aguilar
- Alison Alkon
- Trisha Barua
- Rachel Brahinsky
- Lindsey Dillon
- Michelle K. Glowa
- Jen Gray-O’Connor
- Julie Guthman
- Adonia Lugo
- Padma Maitland
- Tracy Perkins
- Mary Beth Pudup
- Elsa Ramos
- Sabrina Richard
- Kirsten Rudestam
- Simon Sadler
- Susie Smith
- Julie Sze
- Lewis Watts
- Chelsea Wills
- May Ee Wong